
The easiest way to get the project started is by using Docker Compose.


Docker basics

  1. Clone or download the code from Github in a folder like brc:

    $ git clone brc
    Cloning into 'brc'...
    $ cd brc
  2. Start the database and web services:

    $ docker-compose up web -d
    Starting brc_db_1 ... done
    Starting brc_web_1 ... done

    This starts the web service and any services that it depends on.

    It can take a while before everything is done. Even after starting the web container, the database might still be migrating. You can always check the status with:

    $ docker logs -f brc_web_1
  3. Create an admin user and load initial data. If different container names are shown above, use the container name ending with _web_1:

    $ docker exec -it brc_web_1 /app/src/ createsuperuser
    Username: admin
    Superuser created successfully.
  4. Point your browser to http://localhost:8000/ to access the project’s management interface with the credentials used in step 3.

    If you are using Docker Machine, you need to point your browser to the Docker VM IP address. You can get the IP address by doing docker-machine ls and point your browser to http://<ip>:8000/ instead (where the <ip> is shown below the URL column):

    $ docker-machine ls
    NAME      ACTIVE   DRIVER       STATE     URL
    default   *        virtualbox   Running   tcp://<ip>:<port>
  5. To shutdown the services, use docker-compose down and to clean up your system you can run docker system prune.

More Docker

If you just want to run the project as a Docker container and connect to an external database, you can build and run the Dockerfile and pass several environment variables. See src/brc/conf/ for all settings.

$ docker build . && docker run \
    -p 8000:8000 \
    -e DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=brc.conf.docker \
    -e DB_USERNAME=... \
    -e DB_PASSWORD=... \
    -e DB_HOST=... \
    --name brc

$ docker exec -it brc /app/src/ createsuperuser

Loading initial data

The container will load any fixtures it can find at startup time. The default location is /app/fixtures, so you can mount a volume containing JSON fixtures to populate your database initially.

You can override this location through the FIXTURES_DIR environment variable. Only *.json files are considered.